birth year | 1819 |
date of enlistment | Dec. 24, 1863 |
first name | Samuel |
height | 5' 4" |
inferred, death-year | |
misc. information | Enlistment record states he was born in Fairfield Co., VA, so he was from the Fairfield area in RC. Records state he was "Free," in 1865. Died Feb. 18. 1865, at hospital in Beaufort, SC of chronic diarrhea. Death record has lot number, but no name of cemetery. Buried the next day, so probably in Beaufort. |
occupation | Laborer |
place of enlistment | Binghamton, NY |
regiment - usct | Co. B, 26th Reg., Inf., transferred to 20th Reg., Inf. |
surname | Hardy |