birth year | 1844 |
date of enlistment | Aug. 26, 1864 |
first name | George W. |
height | 5' 7" |
inferred, death-year | |
misc. information | |
occupation | Laborer |
place of enlistment | Wheeling, WV |
regiment - usct | 45th Reg., Inf. |
surname | Lyle |
birth year | 1844 |
date of enlistment | Aug. 26, 1864 |
first name | George W. |
height | 5' 7" |
inferred, death-year | |
misc. information | |
occupation | Laborer |
place of enlistment | Wheeling, WV |
regiment - usct | 45th Reg., Inf. |
surname | Lyle |