birth year | 1828 |
date of enlistment | Jul. 31, 1863 |
first name | Frederick |
height | 5' 10" |
inferred, death-year | |
misc. information | "Free" on Apr. 19, 1861. Promoted to Corporal Jan. 15, 1864. Wounded in action near Wilmington, NC, Feb. 20, 1865. Bullet in thigh, bone shattered. Received furlough in Aug. 1865 at Carolina City, for the "purpose of committing matrimony" in Wilmington. Discharged Aug. 28, 1865, at Carolina City, due to disability. |
occupation | Waiter |
place of enlistment | Columbus, OH |
regiment - usct | Co. E, 5th Reg., Inf. |
surname | McClung |